More than 95% of the American West has a drought situation. The water advancement at the Hoover Dam has shrunk down and today carries the record of typical low levels.
This situation is not just promoting drought but is additionally endangering the lives of 1.3 million people all across Arizona, Nevada, and California, jeopardizing the very dependable source of hydroelectric power.
For the very first time, this month, the Federal Government will declare the critical water shortage in the Colorado River. This calls for water allocation cutbacks all throughout the surrounding states of the river.
The Hoover Dam, which was created in the 1930s, like never before recorded the lowest water level, as the Colorado River reservoir and the water level at Lake Mead, fell to a typical 1,068 ft. above sea level.
Since the year 2000, Lake Mead has had a 130-foot drop in water level, as the Southwest regions of America continues to witness drought conditions for the past 20 years.

The Bureau of Reclamation’s projection from July estimates, the lake’s water level falling another 31 ft., to 1,037 ft., by June 2023.
Bottom Line: Since the Hoover Dam was first filled, today it records the lowest levels of water. Drought is currently gripping the western US and the weather scientists are under the impression that the cycle is probably shifting.