NY Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul Is All Set To Replace Governor Cumo

An increasing number of government officials and legislators, including President Joe Biden, had called on Andrew Cuomo, New York’s Governor to resign, based on State Attorney Generals’ numerous sexual harassment allegations against the Government.

Individuals having knowledge about the matter commented that around last week, New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul was found to be on the lookout for advice on taking the first steps in the office. Her concerns also included, which members of Andrew Cuomos’ administration might stay once he resigned and whom to hire next.

While Mr. Cuomo is facing impeachment inquiry on how he had broken federal and state sexual harassment laws. Ms. Hochul is rejoicing at the fact that New York would get their first female Governor. She comments that she is the immediate heir in the line of succession, and could be called on to start office within a few weeks.

At an event last week in Albany, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul said, “The attorney general’s report documented repulsive and unlawful behavior.”The report strictly states that Cuomo had sexually harassed multiple current and former state employees creating a “hostile work environment”.

Courtesy: Eagle’s Vine

Cuomo’s response on Tuesday was, he had never touched anyone inappropriately and has never given any sign of resignation.

Bottom Line: Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul is ready to take over New York Governor’s office once Cuomo resigns or gets impeached.

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