President Joe Biden declared all on-site contractors and federal employees should be properly vaccinated against the deadly virus, wear proper masks, and submit to regular testing. He has additionally entrusted local and state governments to pay an amount of $100 to each and every newly vaccinated American.
Mr. President said, “With freedom comes responsibility, your decision to be unvaccinated impacts someone else.”
Despite the Biden administration’s rapid push to vaccinate the American citizens for months now, the overall rate of vaccination has gradually diminished. On July 29, the US’s approach to new cases was 64,000, a drastic surge from 11, 480 on June 19.
Mr. Biden’s speech on Thursday revealed that “he is directing the Defense Department to examine how and when Covid-19 shots could be added to the list of vaccinations required for members of the U.S. military.”

The White House said the Federal Government recruits more or less four million people of which two million are civilians residing outside Washington, DC. As per federal data, less than 5% of employees in federal civilian jobs belonged from the five states that recorded the least vaccination rates. Biden’s new requirement is applicable to federal contractors and private employees as well.
Bottom Line: Joe Biden’s new plan is to enable all his citizens to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 and has additionally called on local and state Governments to pay $100 to newly vaccinated Americans.