Did you know, doctors and psychologists have found out that what you do in the first 10 minutes in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day.
You see, most people spend it hitting snooze, grunting and rolling over to get dressed, and rushing out the door. What if that time was spent making yourself a better person? What if you woke up 10 minutes before you needed to each day and worked on yourself? How much better would you be at work, in your relationships, and as a person?
I am a habit coach and the podcast host of the Best Morning Routine, Ever! My day can get jammed packed with podcast interviews, coaching calls, jumping from social media marketing to sales…it is super easy to get distracted.
As a psychologist, I know that what we do in the first 10 mins of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. So I am very mindful with my mornings and my morning ritual. I make it a thing to take care of myself before I let the world in by checking my iPhone, emails, texts messages, and social media. This is deadly to owning and winning the day, such a productivity killer. So instead I do this…
I typically start my day at 4:30 am. I am considered a Lion on the chronotype scale. We tend to wake up early with lots of energy. By early evening, we are exhausted. I am looking for a bed at 9:30 pm.
The minute I open my eyes, I drink a glass of water; which I placed on my nightstand, the night before — the morning routine, indeed start the night before. Then I get started with the HitSavers morning routine.
HitSavers has 9-actionable items, you can do in 9-minutes—tried and true for entrepreneurs for better health, more productivity & increase mental clarity.
I usually allocate 30 minutes for my routine to optimize the benefits, and it looks something like this:
- Hydrate – 1 min
- I am grateful journal + 3 goals – 5 min
- Time to make your bed – 1 min
- Silence (loving-kindness) – 5 min
- Affirmation- 1 min
- Visualize your perfect day – 5 min
- Exercise – 7 min
- Read – 10 min
- Shower – last 30-sec cold
How would YOU feel if that’s how you started your day with? How would the quality of your day—your life—improve? The power of a robust morning routine will empower you to Get Up, Dress Up & Show Up in your life!
These habits allow me to wake up feeling energized, refreshed, & focused every single morning without ever whacking the snooze button or checking social media. My morning routine has helped me shatter, eradicate negative self-talk, and liming beliefs that come up as an entrepreneur.
Having a morning routine is the #1 keystone habit, once you do it — it will positively affect all the other areas of your life — like a domino effect.