Miami officials abolished the remaining southern wing of the collapsed twin condo, Champlain Towers, to provide more room to search and rescue team to accelerate their efforts to find still missing 120 before the tropical storm Elsa strikes in.
The southern wing of the twin tower, which was still erect, has been demolished on Sunday night. This will help the rescue team to get additional room to make approaches from different angles to swap the scraps and find the missing which was halted due to the remaining part of the building. It was also suspected that the torn tower was not strong enough to stand against the storm and could only create some more difficult barriers. It is reported that still around 120 people are missing.
The officials are keenly eager to sweep this away before the tropical storm Ela hits the Florida coastal region within a few days as assumed by weather forecast report.

US representative for the 23rd Congressional District of Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, expressed her grief on a press conference with an apathy to the people suffering with the tragedy of loss of their beloved ones and also their lost belongings were in the condo. The residents were not allowed to go back to pick up their valuables even as the tower was in a very risky condition.
Bottom Line: The still standing torn part of the collapsed Miami building, the southern tower, is demolished playfully on Sunday night to create more room for search and rescue and avoid more collapse as it was not sustainable enough to stand against the upcoming tropical storm Elsa.