Is AMC going to the Moon?

Remember the time when you took your sidekick to see a movie at AMC? I don’t either, but that doesn’t mean that the movie theater business is over, actually far from over.

We have heard the bears. ” Netflix, Amazon Prime, Dinsey… “, Yes, it’s true that digital movie launches have taken over but there is still room for movie theaters. More than ever, people are getting frustrated with watching movie from home, they wanna smell the popcorn, they wanna see it on the bigger and better silver screen!

Since CDC has lifted the mask mandate for people who are vaccinated, we think that we will see a little boost in the overall market, as long as this crypto mayhem calms down!

And what about the WallStreetBets (WSB) pumping it up?
I genuinely thought that $AMC was worth much more than $2.50 than it was prior to January. I think the fair value of AMC is above $20 if everything goes well & we start seeing more movie theaters and production houses releasing movies exclusively.

Rumor also has it that a lot of product houses have also delayed a lot of movie releases till COVID-19 calms down. it just means more money when people watch movies at movie theaters.

For those of you hoping AMC to be another “GME”, don’t hold your breath because not all stocks mentioned on WSB are short-squeezed. AMC is actually a really good company that is going through a little hard time, and we fully belive that it will recover.

Here is what we expect for $AMC. The bears are going to keep bringing the same point how everyone else is disrupting the movie industry, but since AMC already has a leg up in the movie business. We are pretty sure that this business is here as stay as more people get vaccinated & rate of infection lowers.

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