NASA Uncovers a Secret Ocean Where No One Expected

NASA uncovers a secret ocean

NASA Uncovers a Secret Ocean Where No One Expected

Meet Callisto, a moon the size of Mercury, which might be hiding just beneath the surface of Jupiter.

It’s the outermost of Jupiter’s moons, and scientists have long suspected something strange is going on beneath its heavily cratered surface.

Previous Studies

Back in the ’90s, NASA’s Galileo spacecraft noticed something odd.

Callisto seemed to respond to Jupiter’s magnetic field in a way that hinted at a liquid ocean deep inside.

But there was a catch—Callisto also has an ionosphere, so the magnetic reactions could have been caused by charged particles, not water.

The latest discovery digs deeper into the old scientific studies

Researchers Are Convinced

Fast forward to today, and researchers are more convinced than ever.

A new study, revisiting Galileo’s old data with fresh tech and sharper analysis, suggests an ocean might really exist beneath Callisto’s icy crust.

If true, the ocean could be several miles deep and covered by ice hundreds of miles thick.

That’s big news because there’s always a chance for life where there’s water.

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