The Perfect Coffee Timing? Science Says It Could Save Your Life

Could the time you sip your coffee determine your lifespan?

A new study suggests that when you drink your daily brew might be just as important as how much you consume.

For many, coffee is a lifeline—especially after a rough night’s sleep. 

Andrew Huberman explains the best time to take coffee

What Does The Research Say?

However, research led by Professor Lu Qi of Tulane University found that morning coffee drinkers had a significantly lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases.

The decade-long study involved over 40,000 participants and revealed that those who enjoyed their coffee in the morning were 16% less likely to die overall and 31% less likely to succumb to heart disease.

Experts believe that a cup of coffee during night time interferes with sleep patterns.

Why Does Timing Matter?

Why does timing matter?

Qi suggests that afternoon and evening caffeine consumption could disrupt circadian rhythms and hormone levels, potentially raising risks related to blood pressure and inflammation.

So, if you’re looking for an extra edge in heart health, you might want to rethink that late-afternoon cappuccino.

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