What you eat before bed could make or break your sleep quality, warns Rosey Davidson, author and sleep consultant at Just Chill Baby Sleep.
Midnight snacking might seem satisfying, but choosing the wrong foods could lead to tossing and turning all night.
“Food plays an important role in how well we sleep, as it can influence our hormones and digestion,” Davidson told The Mirror.
Spicy Foods
First on the “no-go” list? Spicy foods. Davidson explains they can trigger heartburn and discomfort, often leading to disrupted sleep.
Research backs this up: a 2011 study found spicy meals can worsen acid reflux and indigestion.
High-Fat Foods
Next up is high-fat foods.
Greasy meals, like those late-night takeaways, can wreak havoc on digestion, making it harder to snooze.
A 2023 study found that high-fat diets negatively impact sleep quality by reducing deep-sleep brain activity.
And of course, there’s caffeine and sugar.
Beyond coffee, sugary treats and hidden caffeine sources can spike energy levels, causing nighttime wake-ups and restlessness.
Davidson advises sticking to balanced meals to help you drift off peacefully.
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