Kidnappers Posing As Police Kill American YouTuber After Abduction

American YouTuber Missing Since October Killed By Kidnappers Posing As Police

Kidnappers Posing As Police Kill American YouTuber

American YouTuber Missing Since October Killed By Kidnappers Posing As Police

Kidnappers Posing As Police Kill American YouTuber

Police suspect that 26-year-old YouTuber Elliot Eastman has tragically been killed after being abducted last month in the Philippines.

Eastman was reportedly kidnapped on October 17 in Sibuco, a coastal town in Zamboanga del Norte.

Investigation revealed that armed men who kidnapped the YouTuber were disguised as police officers. 

How Eastman Was Kidnapped?

Witnesses say he was forced onto a motorboat, which sped away.

Days later, a chilling tip surfaced: a source claimed Eastman was shot twice and his body thrown into the ocean that same night.

Regional police spokesperson Lt. Col. Ramoncelio Sawan revealed that the information came from a relative of one of the six suspects now charged with kidnapping and illegal detention.

Eastman Uploaded Last Video

Eastman’s final upload, posted two days before his disappearance, shows him quietly eating noodles.

Originally from the US, Eastman described himself on his YouTube channel as “the first and only foreigner to have ever lived in Sibuco for a long period of time.”

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