AI Intern Gets Sacked After Sabotaging TikTok’s AI Project

ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, has fired an intern for destroying an Artificial Intelligence project the company was working on.

ByteDance said the intern was fired as he did something he was not supposed to do.

The company mentioned that the intern was “maliciously interfering” with the training of ByteDance’s generative AI model, Doubao, China’s most popular chatbot.

ByteDance rejected reports of over-exaggerated loss to the company

Reports of Damage Were Exaggerated

In response to the claims circulating online, ByteDance clarified that reports about the extent of the damage caused by the intern were exaggerated.

Contrary to reports that the sabotage caused more than $10 million in damage, ByteDance said the figures were inaccurate and exaggerated. 

ByteDance is headquartered in Beijing which owns Toutiao and TikTok

Intern Was From A Different Department

The intern was working on the ByteDance’s advertising technology team and did not have experience with the AI Lab.

ByteDance also notified the intern’s university and relevant industry bodies about the incident.

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