FBI Arrests ISIS Member For Election Day Terrorist Attack Plot

The Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) has arrested a man with alleged links to the Islamic State terrorist group.

The agency claims that the terrorist, an Afghan national, was plotting to carry out a terrorist attack in the US on election day.

The FBI Director Christopher Wray said that the suspect named Nisar was stockpiling firearms and had already transferred family assets abroad. 

Suspect Intended To Attack White House

Based on Google records that the FBI was able to obtain, the suspect was trying to carry out an attack near the White House.

The record and the search history showed the suspect searched “surveillance cameras in Washington, and webcams showing the White House and Washington Monument”, the BBC said. 

Nasir Consumed ISIS Propaganda

According to the initial investigation, Nisar was motivated by ISIS propaganda videos that he consumed on the internet.

The FBI alleges that Nisar worked with another suspect, who also happens to be his relative, to carry out the attack.

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