Top Aide Says Trump Withheld Relief Aid From Blue Areas While in Office

While the former President Donald Trump is accusing President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for not helping disaster-torn areas, his close aide has dropped a bomb on him.

Mark Harvey, a former aide to President Donald Trump, recently claimed that during his time in office, Trump initially resisted providing disaster relief to California in 2018 for being a blue state. 

President Set Condition Before Dispatching Aid

According to Politico’s E&E News, Trump withheld funds to California  due to the state’s Democratic political alignment.

According to Harvey, who served as the senior director for resilience policy on the National Security Council, Trump only agreed to release aid after being shown that Orange County was pro-Trump.

“We went as far as looking up how many votes he got in those impacted areas … to show him these are people who voted for you,” Harvey said.

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