Trump’s Wife Melania Blames Democrats For Attempts on Husband’s Life

In a rare interview with Fox News, the former President Donald Trump’s wife Melania Trump blamed the democrats for assassination attempts over husband’s life.

She told the conservative news agency that the opposition party created conditions that led to the dangerous political environment in the United States. 

Melania Justified Trump’s Record 

In an interview with Ainsley Earhardt of Fox News, Melania blamed the liberal media organizations and democrats for saying her husband was a threat to democracy.

“Is it really shocking that all this egregious violence goes against my husband?”, she said while observing that this needs to stop. 

Mealnia Defends Trump’s Record

Without going into specifics, Melania said the economy under her husband was booming and there were no wars.

In contrast, Biden has achieved nothing, she said.

“My husband as commander in chief, he was leading the country through peace, through strength,” Melania Trump told Fox News.

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