American Singer Praised For Talking Suicidal Woman Off Bridge

American singer Jon Bon Jovi was praised by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department for his role in talking off a suicidal woman off the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge.

The police said the American singer helped a distressed woman who was standing on the ledge of the bridge and looking at the water.

Video showed Bon Jovi leaning over the ledge and talking to the woman who was looking in distress. 

Bon Jovi Offered Support

 A video released by the police department shows Bon Jovi approaching the woman before waving hello and leaning on the railing to talk to her.

After about a minute, he, along with another woman, helped guide the distressed individual back to safety.

Once the woman was safely on the pedestrian walkway, Bon Jovi hugged her and offered support. 

Metro Nashville Police added in their statement: “It takes all of us to help keep each other safe.”

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