Trump Plans To Form Elon Musk-Led Government Efficiency Commission

Former President Donald Trump said if re-elected to the White House, he will be establishing a government efficiency commission with Elon Musk as its head.

The Republican nominee also confirmed that the tech billionaire has agreed to lead the commission.

Without providing specific details, Trump claimed that the commission will conduct a full financial audit of the federal government and make policy reforms.

Spend Cuts & Rolling Back Regulations

During a campaign event at the Economic Club of New York, Trump made the headline-grabbing declaration but provided few details on how the commission would function.

Although he did mention that the commission will cut government spendings and restrict regulations.

Musk raised the idea of an efficiency commission with Trump during their interview on X last month. 

Elon Musk Accepts Offer

Musk responded to the announcement on X (formerly Twitter) that he looks forward to serving without compensation or recognition.

“No pay, no title, no recognition is needed,” he said.

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