China And Philippines Blame Each Other Over Warship Crash in Sea

The Philippines government has blamed the Chinese Navy for intentionally colliding a warship with one of its coast guard ships.

The incident happened in a disputed area of the South China Sea which China claims as its own territory despite being 630 nautical miles from it.

On the other hand, China accused the Philippines for provocative and unacceptable behavior.

US Blames China

Videos published by western news outlets showed a Chinese Naval warship colliding several times at different angles with a Philippines ship.

The US ambassador to the Philippines, MaryKay L Carlson, condemned Chinese actions and said they were against international law and the US stood with the Philippines. 

China Blames Philippines

On the other hand, the Chinese government has blamed the Philippines for the recent misadventure in the South China Sea.

China has rejected United Nations resolutions that called for Chinese withdrawal from the region as it is officially Philippines territory.

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