Nearly 40,000 People Died Home Alone in Japan in 2024

A recent report by Japan’s National Police Agency reveals a tragic statistic: nearly 40,000 people died alone in 2024.

Among these, almost 4,000 were discovered more than a month after their deaths, and 130 bodies went unnoticed for over a year. 

70% Were Older People

The report indicates that the majority of those who died alone were elderly, with over 70% of the deceased being aged 65 and older.

The largest age group among these unattended deaths were those aged 85 and above, followed by people in their late 70s and early 70s. 

A National Problem

Japan has been grappling with the challenges posed by its aging and shrinking population for years.

Despite the government’s efforts, the situation remains dire, with predictions from the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research estimating that by 2050, the number of elderly citizens living alone will reach 10.8 million.

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