NATO Raises Security Level in German Base After Potential Threat

NATO has raised the security level in its German air base after intelligence information pointed at increased threat.

The German police said they sent vehicles to the area but no details have been provided about the nature of the threat.

The Geilenkirchen air base is located near the border with the Netherlands where the alliance’s Airborne Warning and Control System planes are stationed. 

Threat Level Later Reduced 

The threat level was later reduced by NATO without revealing any information about the nature of the threat.

The threat could be of Russian origin as Moscow has reiterated multiple times that it can hit European capitals in no time.

Russia gave a staunch warning to Europe when the US said it will deploy long-range surface to surface missiles in Germany if the circumstances develop.

But so far, Germany and NATO has not disclosed anything about the recent threat nor did it comment on why the threat level was raised and then later lowered.

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