US & UK To Boycott Nagasaki Bombing Memorial After Israel Exclusion

The ambassadors of the United States and the United Kingdom have decided to boycott the Nagasaki bombing memorial after the mayor failed to invite the Israeli ambassador.

In a surprising diplomatic move, the Japanese mayor of Nagasaki said the decision was not based on political considerations and was intended at the smooth functioning of the event. 

Russia & Belarus Not Invited Either

Nagasaki’s mayor, Shiro Suzuki, mentioned last week that Israel along with Russia and Belarus will not be invited to the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony.

However, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Cohen accused Mayor Suzuki of using the ceremony for political purposes.

Israeli Ambassador Gilad Cohen

It seems like the mayor is reluctant to receive representatives of countries involved in causing harm to civilians.

Cohen said that Tokyo was giving an opposite message to the world by restricting representatives of a democracy and inviting an Iranian ambassador to the event.

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