Donald Trump Suffers in Key Polls After Hush Money Trial Verdict

Just 48 hours after the conviction in the hush money criminal trial, Former President Donald Trump has suffered in three key polls, Newsweek reported.

The verdict in his Manhattan criminal trial indicates a significant division among Americans and his party colleagues regarding his culpability and political future.

Morning Consult Polls

Polls conducted by Morning Consult Polls show that 54% of the registered voters among respondents approve of the jury’s verdict.

A staggering 51% of the American voters said Trump should end his campaign while 43% said he shouldn’t. 

YouGov Polls

Among the 3,040 U.S. adults polled by the YouGov Polls, 50% said they were sure Trump was guilty of criminal charges against him.

Around 30% of the respondents said the former president was not guilty. 

Reuters/Ipsos Poll:

A Reuters/Ipsos Poll revealed voters intentions suggesting dissatisfaction among Republican voters over Trump’s standing in the next election.

The polls conducted between Thursday and Friday concluded that 5% of Republicans and 21% of independents are much less likely to vote for Trump after the verdict.

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