Indian State Using AI To Prevent Elephant Deaths on Railway Tracks

The Indian state of Tamil Nadu has deployed Artificial Intelligence to avoid elephant deaths on its railway tracks.

The surveillance cameras installed on 12 locations are equipped with sophisticated thermal and visible light imaging that can detect elephants from as far as 100 feet. 

How Does AI Work?

Project manager Ashish Rajput told the BBC that the cameras are able to detect elephant movement from around 100 feet from the railway tracks.

The system automatically generates warning alerts and sends them to forest and railway officials to slow down the vehicle and deter elephants from the path.

The Indian state has seen 36 elephant fatalities in the past decade and experts are optimistic that the AI system will save precious lives. 

The system can detect elephants from 100 feet

Cost of The Project

The entire AI-based system has been executed at a cost of just $867,758, the BBC reported.

The system has so far sent around 400 alerts to railway officials about possible elephant movement near tracks, saving valuable animal lives.

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