COVID-19 Likely Began in Animal Hosts

When the COVID-19 pandemic first started, there wasn’t much known about where the virus came from. There was a lot of speculations and conspiracy to pointing to a meat market in China. There were even picture on the internet of people eating bats and others claiming that is how it started.

The World Health Organization has been investigated for quite some time now to find out what exactly caused this virus to appear and spread.

WHO has concluded its research into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, concluding in a recent study that the novel coronavirus traveled from a bat to an intermediary animal host before appearing in humans in late 2019.

Globally, confirmed cases of COVID-19 have topped 127 million, with nearly 2.8 million deaths.

Doctors in France have cautioned that ICUs in Paris and elsewhere could soon be overrun as officials rush to intensify the introduction of vaccinations in the face of an unprecedented surge of cases.

The WHO also discovered that the virus may have spread directly from bats to humans, but this is less plausible, and that it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus originated from a laboratory.

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