Biden’s Granddaughter To Have Wedding Reception At White House

Bidens to host White House wedding reception for granddaughter in November

WASHINGTON – President Joe & Jill Biden, the first lady, plan to host a wedding reception at the white house for their granddaughter, Naomi Biden, later this fall on November 19th.

Naomi Biden, 28, is the daughter of Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle, She is a lawyer and is based in Washington, DC. Biden became engaged to Peter Neal, 24, in September of last year when Neal proposed in his childhood home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, according to a White House official.

Peter Neal & Noami Biden

History Of Weddings In White House

The White House has a history of holding weddings of presidential children, dating back to the 1800s, when the children of James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, and Ulysses S. Grant were married there. Woodrow Wilson’s daughters held their weddings at the White House.

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