Chinese Scientists Create AI to Predict Liver Cancer Relapse

Chinese scientist develop AI tool for liver cancer detection.

Liver cancer is one of the deadliest cancers worldwide, and even after surgery, the battle isn’t over—up to 70% of patients face a relapse.

But what if doctors could predict who’s at risk before the cancer returns?

Enter TIMES, an AI-powered breakthrough developed by a research team from the University of Science and Technology of China.

This tool doesn’t just count immune cells; it maps their spatial organization within the tumor.

This approach has proven to be far more accurate in predicting recurrence risk.

“Immune cells aren’t just pieces on a chessboard,” explains lead researcher Sun Cheng.

“Where they are placed determines the outcome of the game.”

What Is The Best Part?

By analyzing tumor samples with cutting-edge AI and spatial immune profiling, TIMES predicts recurrence with an impressive 82.2% accuracy—outperforming existing models.

The best part? The team has made TIMES available online for free, allowing doctors worldwide to upload images and receive instant assessments.

It’s a major leap forward for personalized cancer treatment, especially in regions with limited medical resources.

With industry collaborations in progress, TIMES could soon become a standard tool in cancer care.

The fight against liver cancer isn’t over, but with AI in the doctor’s arsenal, the odds are finally shifting.

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