Chinese Man Loses Thousands of Dollars After Falling for AI-Generated Girlfriend

Chinese man scammed 28000 from AI girlfriend

Love is blind—but in the age of AI, it can also be completely fake.

A man in Shanghai learned this the hard way after losing nearly $28,000 to what he thought was his long-distance girlfriend.

The catch? She never existed. Armed with cutting-edge AI tools, scammers created a hyper-realistic woman named “Ms. Jiao”

The so-called girlfriend even exchanged video calls, photos, and even fake medical records to sell the illusion.

The AI Girlfriend Needed Financial Help

The poor guy, convinced his online love needed help with business investments and family medical bills, sent over a small fortune.

The man realized too late that his dream girl was just a collection of pixels and clever coding.

According to Chinese state media, a whole team was behind the scheme, fabricating Ms. Jiao’s every move with AI-generated content.

And he never met her, not once.

The lesson here? If your online sweetheart always has an excuse for not meeting in person but is oddly quick to ask for money—swipe left. Fast.

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