Ukrainian President Offers To Step Down As He Prepares To Save His Country

Ukrainian president offers to step down

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has offered to step down as President to save his country.

Zelensky threw this proposal on the table at the Ukraine Year 2025 forum in Kyiv.

He’s willing to leave office—if it means an end to the war.

Now, before anyone starts packing his bags, there’s a catch.

Ukraine has been clear: No elections until the war is over.

Ukrainians Ask President To Stay in Power

Zelensky reportedly told the forum that, “I am focusing on security today and not in twenty years’ time. I don’t plan to be in power for 10 years”

Meanwhile, Russia is reportedly already setting the stage for a Trump-Putin handshake.

And let’s talk about the fine print. Ukrainians aren’t exactly rushing to the polls mid-war.

A recent survey found that 69% of the population believed that Zelensky should stay in office until martial law was lifted—something even opposition politicians agreed on.

Elections need security, a functioning infrastructure, and, well, a country that’s not under constant attack.

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