Dramatic Video Footage Shows Moment US Fighter Jet Crashes Into Sea

Us fighter jet crashes into sea

 A video published by the BBC showed a US fighter jet crashing fast into San Diego Bay on 12 February.

Thankfully, both the pilots flying the fighter jet are doing well (though probably a little shaken), now under round-the-clock medical observation.

What Happened?

The drama unfolded when their EA-18G Growler, a jet packed with high-tech electronic warfare gear, had a less-than-graceful descent around 10:15 a.m.

Local Fishing Boat Saved Crew

The pilots ejected—cue action movie slow-mo—and splashed into the bay.

A local fishing boat crew who swapped reeling in tuna for rescuing aviators.

“Our guys are trained for this,” said H&M Landing’s Frank Ursitti, like it was just another day at the office.

The jet? Still chilling underwater, with Navy teams working hard to contain fuel leaks and debris.

Civilians have been told, in the politest military way, “Don’t touch the wreckage. Seriously.”

No civilians were injured in the incident.

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