For years, Google had a hard line that AI should never be used to build weapons.
That rule is now gone.
Alphabet, Google’s parent company, has quietly rewritten its AI ethics guidelines and dropped its ban on AI-powered military and surveillance tools.
Instead, the company is now openly embracing AI in a “national security effort”—a shift that’s raising eyebrows across the tech and defense worlds.

How Google Justified The Decision?
In a blog post, senior Google executives James Manyika and Demis Hassabis defended the decision, arguing that democracies—not authoritarian regimes—should lead the way in AI innovation.
“We believe companies, governments, and organizations sharing these values should work together,” they wrote.

The move comes as AI’s role in warfare is rapidly expanding.
From Ukraine to the Middle East, AI-driven targeting systems and surveillance tools are already shaping modern conflicts.
The latest announcement will lead to domino effect and experts believe a new AI-race will certainly lead to existential threat to humanity.