Donkey That Inspired Eddie Murphy’s Shrek Dies Aged 30

The real-life donkey believed to have inspired the beloved character Donkey from Shrek has passed away at the age of 30. S

hort for Pericles, Perry was a miniature donkey born in New York City in 1994.

He reportedly served as a model for animators working on the 2001 Oscar-winning film.

“If you know Perry and watch the movie, it’s evident that it’s him,” his former handler, Jenny Kiratli, said in a 2021 interview. 

Why Did Perry Die?

Perry spent most of his life at Barron Park in California, where he arrived as a lively three-year-old.

Over the years, he became a local favorite, charming visitors with his soulful eyes and friendly nature.

Sadly, Perry had been battling laminitis, a painful and incurable hoof condition affecting donkeys, horses, and ponies.

His passing was announced on the Barron Park Donkeys Instagram page, with a tribute celebrating his impact.

Though Perry is gone, his legacy lives on every time someone watches Shrek and laughs at Donkey’s antics.

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