Research Discover There Wasn’t Just One Asteroid That Killed Dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered that the asteroid Nadir which wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago did not act alone.

Researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland have uncovered evidence of a second asteroid impact around the same time, located off the coast of West Africa. 

Second Asteroid Was 5 Miles Wide

This smaller asteroid was around 5 miles wide in size and was found nearly 1,000 feet beneath the Atlantic Ocean’s floor.

The research, led by Dr. Uisdean Nicholson, used 3D seismic data to confirm the crater was caused by an asteroid impact.

Scientists previously thought the asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs acted alone but the latest study disputes the decades-long theory. 

Scientists previously believed that only one asteroid was responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs.

Questions Still Unanswered

Researchers are still puzzled as to why two asteroids hit Earth so close together, but the discovery adds a new layer to our understanding of this catastrophic era.

Researchers expressed optimism that the study will narrow down their understanding of the world’s biggest natural disaster in the planet’s history.

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