US Intelligence Says Iran Planning Huge Missile Attack on Israel

All eyes have been fixed on the Middle East where the latest news reports have raised alarms in the world’s capitals.

US intelligence officials have revealed that Iran is preparing to strike Israel with ballistic missiles, more lethal than it launched in April.

Right now, air raid sirens are going off in the capital of Israel, Tel Aviv. 

US Warns of Consequences

The United States has warned of severe consequences if Iran attacked Israel.

According to intelligence officials, Iran is expected to launch only ballistic missiles that can reach Israel within just 12 minutes.

Any attack on Israel will significantly escalate the regional tensions and will force the US to protect Israel.

Israel To Convene Emergency Meeting

Israel’s security cabinet is expected to convene for a meeting in just over 30 minutes, that is 7.30pm local time, as per reports.

Anonymous US officials told AP said the US is actively supporting Israeli defensive preparations against Iran.

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