Huge Smoke Seen in Air As Fire Breaks Out in Atlanta Chemical Plant

Atlanta has issued a warning after a fire broke out at a chemical plant, sending a massive dark smoke in the air.

The fire started around 5 a.m. when a sprinkler malfunction caused water to mix with a water-reactive chemical, releasing the toxic cloud.

Fire chief Marian McDaniel told reporters that although employees were there at the plant during the incident, they were not hurt. 

Smoke Visible 30 Miles Away

According to the Associated Press reporters, the smoke spread over a large area and could be seen from miles away.

Fire chief Marian McDaniel said they were allowing the fire to burn until it was safe for the emergency services to enter the facility.

The Newton County School District that out of extreme caution and for the safety of residents, all schools will remain closed tomorrow until further notice.

Environmental authorities are closely monitoring the quality of air which is expected to get worse as the fire burns.

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