Man Abducted as a Child in 1951 Reunites with Family After 72 Years

A 6-year-old boy who was abducted back in 1951 was found alive and reunited with his loved ones after more than seven decades.

Luis Armando Albino, who was kidnapped as a six-year-old while playing in a California park in 1951.

The discovery was made after Albina’ niece, while working with authorities, used an online ancestry test, newspaper reports and old photos. 

Albina Was Raised By Kidnapping Couple

The discovery was made by Albino’s niece, Alida Alequin, who collaborated with police, the FBI, and the justice department to locate him living on the US east coast.

Albino, now a retired firefighter and Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam, was abducted on 21 February 1951 from a park in West Oakland.

A woman lured the Puerto Rico-born boy with the promise of candy, then flew him to the east coast, where he was raised by a couple as their own child.

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