Ex-Aide to NY Governor Charged With Acting As a Chinese Agent

A former official close to the New York City governor was charged for acting as an agent of the Chinese Communist Party for years.

US prosecutors said that Linda Sun, a former aide to the governor of New York, has been arrested and charged with acting as an agent for China in exchange for millions of dollars.

Sun and her husband Christopher Hu were later released on bail on a condition that they wouldn’t contact any Chinese mission. 

What Sun Did?

According to the US prosecutors, Sun used her position to arrange meetings between Chinese and New York officials, while obstructing meetings with Taiwanese representatives.

Sun received millions of dollars in exchange which helped Sun live a lavish lifestyle, including luxury properties, a high-end car, and other personal indulgences.

China’s foreign ministry spokesperson, Mao Ning, avoided commenting on the situation, calling it an internal matter of the US.

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