Planes in Japan Wobble Side To Side Before Aborting Landing

Shocking videos showed scores of planes aborting landings in a key Japanese airport midair due to Typhoon Shanshan that hit the country recently. 

Videos shared on social media platform X showed wobbling midair while landing at the Fukuoka Airport, only to be forced to abort due to the extreme conditions.

Planes Missed Crash Landings

The planes almost avoided crashes by aborting their landings at the last moment due to the strong winds caused by Typhoon Shanshan.

One particularly striking clip captured an Air Seoul flight as it approached the runway, only to suddenly swerve sideways and ascend back into the sky.

Winds Reached 180 km/h

Winds reached speeds of up to 180 km/h, strong enough to overturn moving trucks and even planes in the air.

The typhoon, one of the most powerful to hit Japan in decades, has forced five million people in the south to evacuate with five being killed in the process.

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