Japan Prime Minister To Step Down Ahead of Election

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has decided to step down in September just before general elections.

World leaders and diplomats paid tribute to Kishida for maintaining Japan’s importance on the world stage.

Kishida’s resignation comes a month after Joe Biden stepped out of the race for being too old but in Kishida’s case, there was no such pressure. 

Why Did Kishida Decide To Resign?

Prime Minister Kishida’s party, Liberal Democratic Party, has been under fire over ties to the Korean-based Unification Church when former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated in July 2022.

The LDP’s party head lost public support as more than 30% of the population was against him leading the party at the time.

Many were dissatisfied over increasing prices and lagging salaries in both the private and government sectors.

Nevertheless, Kishida was hailed as a strong leader for his consistent foreign policy and managing the declining birth rates.

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