DoD Contractor Arrested Trying To Flee With Classified Documents

A Contractor of the US Defense Department has been arrested while trying to flee to Mexico with dozens of classified documents.

According to the New York Times, Gokhan Gun, an electrical engineer working with the US Air Force printed 150 pages of “top secret” government documents as he attempted to flee to the South American country. 

Reason For Printing The Documents Unknown

The Federal Investigation Bureau has no idea what Gun was aiming to achieve with the classified documents.

The dual American-Turkish citizen, Gun has so far printed 3,400 of classified and non-classified materials since he started working for the Air Force in 2020. 

Pentagon Didn’t Reveal The Nature of Classified Documents

Gun Gave False Information To FBI

The FBI in a statement said that Gun provided them with false information and denied keeping any classified material at his home.

The DoJ charged Mr. Gun with illegally obtaining and retaining national defense secrets but the prosecutors have not yet confirmed if Gun committed espionage.

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