Musk Hosts Friendly Chat With Trump on X Amid Technical Problems

X’s CEO Elon Musk invited the former President Donald Trump for a much anticipated interview on X.

But the interview faced significant technical difficulties as it was delayed for more than 40 minutes. 

Musk Blamed Cyberattacks For Issues

Musk, who posed friendly questions on topics like immigration and inflation, blamed the delays on a possible cyber-attack.

Experts believe that X may have come under DDoS attacks during the interview which makes any platform inaccessible for a specific period of time. 

BBC Confirms Trump’s False Claims

During the conversation, Trump made several unsubstantiated claims that went unchallenged but were later verified by the BBC.

The BBC’s verification team fact-checked Donald Trump’s wild claims about immigration, climate change, and inflation, most of which were proved to be false.

The European Union warned Elon Musk ahead of his interview with Donald Trump that the platform will face penalties if it failed to address hate speech problem.

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