Australia Recovers Shipwreck 55 Years After Deadly Disaster

Australia’s science agency has confirmed the discovery of the ship, which sank 55 years ago, resulting in the deaths of 21 crew members.

The 71-meter freighter ship MV Noongah was transporting steel off the New South Wales coast when it encountered severe weather on August 25, 1969.

Five of the 26 crew members were rescued from the water, while only one body was recovered.

Ship Issued Distressed Signal

The vessel sank shortly after issuing a distress signal, marking the start of one of the largest maritime searches in Australian history.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization used advanced seafloor mapping and video footage, confirming the wreck’s location approximately 460 km north of Sydney. 

MV Noongah ship lost 55 years ago

Ship Found 170 Meters Below Surface

The wreck, found 170 meters below the surface, remains largely intact and upright, with all key dimensions matching the MV Noongah.

The discovery brings relief to the families of 21 crew members who lost their lives in the tragic incident.

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