Journalist Asked To Pay Damages For Joking About Italian PM’s Height

An Italian journalist has been asked to pay for damages after he made fun of the Prime Minister Georgia Meloni’s height.

The court ordered the journalist Giulia Cortese to pay €5,000 as he body shamed the Prime Minister while referring to her height.

The female journalist has repeatedly clashed with Meloni over the past few years over the PM’s fascist inclinations and suppressing dissent. 

Giulia Cortese

Journalist Called PM A Little Woman

According to reports, the journalist has remained a strong critic of Meloni’s far-right Brothers of Italy party which she accuses of facism.

Cortese has been targeted several times by Merloni for defamatory comments about her height, reports say.

“You don’t scare me, Giorgia Meloni. After all, you’re only 1.2 meters (4 ft) tall. I can’t even see you,” the journalist wrote on X.

Right after the court’s verdict, Cortese rejected the decision as against the values of free speech and journalism.

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