American Mountaineer Dead in Avalanche 22 Year Back Found Preserved

The body of an American mountaineer who was buried in an avalanche about 22 years ago was found by police in Peru.

The mountaineer named William Stampfl was attempting to climb Mount Huascarán, one of the highest peaks in the Andes, when he got lost after being hit by an avalanche.

The Body Was Well Preserved

The body of the 58-year-old climber was well-preserved when the police found it near a camp at an altitude of 5,200 meters.

The body was well-preserved due to the ice and freezing temperatures, with climbing boots, crampons, and clothing still intact, police said.

Police identified Stampfl easily as he had his driving license and passport with him.

One Climber Still Remains Missing

Stampfl, originally from Austria and a self-employed civil engineer, was climbing with friends Matthew Richardson and Steve Erskine when the avalanche occurred in 2002.

Erskine’s body was found shortly after the incident, but Richardson remains missing.

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