Teen Heroically Jumps From Jet Ski To Stop Empty Runaway Boat

A New Hampshire teenager was filmed jumping from a jetski onto a runaway boat, preventing it from causing chaos in a popular lake.

The incident took place on Wednesday in Smith’s Cove on Lake Winnipesaukee.

Brady Procon, a 17-year-old teenager, said he couldn’t waste time after his father alerted him about an out-of-control boat. 

How The Mishap Happened?

The mishap occurred during a sailing lesson, the New York Post mentioned.

A sailboat instructor was teaching kids when he leaned over to grab a tennis ball used for instruction.

At that moment, a student’s sailboat tipped over, causing its mast to hit the instructor’s boat throttle, throwing the instructor into the water. 

Procon Swings Into Action

Procon swung into action and borrowed a jetski from his neighbor, Justin King, to intercept the runaway boat.

A video captures King maneuvering the jetski close enough for Procon to jump onto the speeding vessel and shut off the throttle, bringing the situation under control.

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