UK Elects New Prime Minister After Landmark Election Victory

The Labour Party emerged victorious in the United Kingdom’s general election after 14 years of consecutive conservative rule.

The country’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced victory in first speech at 10 Downing Street after the landslide victory.

Mr. Starmer’s party secured 326 seats required for a majority to form the government in the lower house. 

Change Begins Now

In his first address to the nation, Mr. Starmer said that the people of the UK needed a change and the “change begins now”.

The incoming Prime Minister said the government will prioritize rebuilding people’s trust in his elected officials after announcing the biggest-ever victory in the House of Commons.

Outgoing PM Apologizes

The outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak apologized for failing in its commitments during his rule.

“The Labour Party has won this general election and I have called Sir Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory,” he said.

Mr. Sunak also announced his resignation from leading the conservative party during his last speech as the Premier.

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