Satellite Images Show China Multiplying Spy Bases in Cuba Against US

A US Think Tank has identified four locations in Cuba that they suspect China has been using for espionage.

As per the Washington DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies report, China has made upgrades to the already existing spying infrastructure with one located 70 miles from the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay.  

The Four Spy Bases

CSIS identified four bases on the island: Bejucal, El Salao, Wajay, and Calabazar.

Satellite images from March and April 2024 show significant upgrades of the Chinese spying facilities over the past decade.

The Wajay base has expanded from a single antenna to a complex with 12 antennas, operational facilities, and a small solar farm in the last two decades.

Bases Are Strategically Placed

The CSIS report mentioned that the bases are located at strategic locations giving the Chinese government an edge in spy craft.

What makes Cuba highly efficient in terms of intelligence is its proximity to the US, which provides China with significant capabilities not possible from Chinese territory.

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