Russian Scientists Discover 44,000-Year-Old Preserved Mummified Wolf

Russian scientists are studying a 44,000 years-old mummified wolf to understand the environment and context in which he lived.

Researchers at the Russian North-Eastern Federal University are studying the old wolf found in the thick permafrost in 2021 but it was presented for examination only yesterday. 

Researchers Want To Understand Ancient Virus

The goal of the study is to examine the role the ancient viruses and bacteria played around 44,000 years ago when the wolf was alive.

Scientists think the conclusion could offer great insight into the world the wolf lived when its size was much larger than those found today. 

Much of Body Still Intact

Much of the main organs of the wolf remains intact, making it a completely unique species from the old times.

Robert Losey, an anthropologist at the University of Alberta told the Business Insider that a wolf has a lot to learn from including information about its life, diet, surrounding environment and even microorganisms inside its gut.

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