NATO in Talks To Deploy More Nuclear Weapons, Chief Says

The head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Jens Stoltenberg has said that the organization is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons.

The warning came as the head of the military alliance highlighted the threat posed by Russia and China to global peace.

Mr. Stoltenberg fell short of highlighting the amount of nuclear weapons currently on standby and the location of deployments.

Nuclear Alliance

NATO’s chief said in an interview in the organization’s headquarters in Brussels that the military alliance was without a doubt a nuclear alliance.

The statement came after years of secrecy regarding the organization’s nuclear capabilities, the Telegraph reported.

“Transparency helps to communicate the direct message that we, of course, are a nuclear alliance,” Mr. Stoltenberg said in the interview. 

Trump-Free Weapons For Ukraine

The head of the world’s largest military alliance said that in order to defeat Russian ambitions, Ukraine needs Trump-free weapons at its disposal.

He specifically targeted the former President because Mr. Trump was highly critical of NATO.

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