Police Cam Shows Drug Dealer Jumps Into River To Avoid Arrest

Police bodycam footage shows a drug dealer jumping through bushes and into a river while trying to evade officers, only to be arrested and later jailed.

Cambridgeshire Police reported that the dealer, soaking wet, emerged from the water onto the riverbank in St Neots.

Dealer Tied Bag To Branches

Media reports said the dealer tied his bag to some hanging branches, which was later retrieved by a paddleboarder nearby.

The bag contained £325 in cash and drugs including cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine, worth about £2,000.

In the footage, an officer can be heard shouting “wait there mate” as the suspect leaps into the River.

After a splash, the officer says, “Oh Jesus. He’s jumped in the river.”

Suspect Jailed For Almost 4 Years

Fynley Jefferies, 20, was sentenced to three years and 11 months in prison at Cambridge Crown Court.

Jefferies also admitted to selling drugs including cocaine, MDMA and cannabis in the neighborhood, reports said.

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