France Suspects Russia Behind Eiffel Tower Coffins Mystery

Russia has been accused of being behind the Eiffel Tower coffin mystery where the French authorities found five coffins wrapped in French flags was found near the tower.

The French intelligence services are suspecting that the coffins could be planted by the Russian intelligence officials to send a message. 

All Suspects Arrested

All the suspects involved in the incident have been arrested by French police and have been taken before a judge on Monday.

The vehicle driver told the police that he was paid €40 by two other individuals to send these coffins to the iconic site.

The two other individuals were arrested when they were about to board a bus to the German capital from central Paris.

The two other suspects, one German and one Ukrainian, revealed that they were paid €400 to deliver the coffins but who is behind this operation remains unknown.

France security officials suspect that Russia could be behind the operation to manipulate public opinion as they encountered a similar incident in Moldova.

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