China Says UK MI6 Secretly Recruited Chinese Couple As Spies

China has accused the British intelligence agency of secretly recruiting a Chinese couple to work for MI6.

The allegation was announced by China’s Ministry of State Security who alleged that MI6 convinced the couple named Wang and Zhou to spy for the UK after exploiting their strong desire for money.

The Chinese government didn’t provide any evidence about how they came to know about the couple’s involvement with the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency. 

What Did China Actually Say?

No to forget the allegations comes amid tensions between the two governments as the UK recently charged two men for spying for China.

The Chinese ministry did reveal information about how Mr. Wang was approached by the MI6 when he was studying under a Sino-British exchange programme in 2015.

The Chinese ministry alleged that Mr. Wang, who later convinced his partner Ms. Zhou, couldn’t resist the hefty payments the British were willing to give.

China has not provided any evidence to support their claims and experts are baffled by why they would publicize such a thing.

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